Discover the Kinderdijk birdworld

Bird Theater

In our Bird Theater we introduce you to 22 protagonists from the Kinderdijk bird world. Some super rare, others commonplace, but that doesn't mean less valuable. This is the gateway to discovering nature in Kinderdijk UNESCO World Heritage.

In Kinderdijk you will not only see a special collection of windmills, but if you look closely you will also discover rare birds! The swampy reed beds are a perfect shelter for seven special and endangered bird species, including the beautiful purple heron. The Alblasserwaard is a member of the major European project called Natura 2000. Here, plants, birds and other animals find the protection they need to make sure the species and habitats do not become extinct.

Natura 2000 area

The Kinderdijk basins have been designated as a protected Natura 2000 area due to the presence of seven species: purple heron, spotted crake, savi’s warbler, black tern, Eurasian wigeon, gadwall and the northern shoveler.

Kinderdijk birds

Dive into the story of the Kinderdijk bird world at the Bird Theater. Stare out the large windows towards the reed beds and who knows, you might even spot a spotted crake!

Natuur in Kinderdijk

Explore and keep your binoculars close at hand

Are you planning to visit Kinderdijk this summer? Please take into account the various roadworks.